Creeatoare de modă, deținătoare de Record Guiness, femeie de afaceri cu mai mult de 30 de ani experiență.
Te pot ajuta în depășirea problemelor tale!
In paralel cu business-ul am inceput sa caut si sa ma intrept spre o zona diferita dar care se completa si completa personalitatea mea, zona de spiritualitate. Aceasta parte care exista si era latenta in mine de mult timp am inceput sa mi-o dezvolt, cumva toate lucrurile pe care le vedeam, le intuiam dar nu prea le intelegeam cum functioneaza mai exact toate acestea astfel in cat am inceput sa explorez si zona aceasta.
Studii de caz
John Seriously Psychologically Customer Satisfaction
Serious Mental Disorders, Resolved How
Overcoming Difficulties To Come to Love
A Rare Occurrence Of Small Cell Carcinoma
Successful Percutaneous Closure Of Unusually
What Is The Most Famous Case Study
together to create a truly unique and unforgettable experience.
“David is a well-established psychologist and delivers a very professional service. As a skilled therapist David brings not only depth, warmth and wisdom to his practice, he also has a sense of humour and charm, that invites trust and ease to his clients. I highly recommend David to any individual or organization in need of quality service.”
Junita Mushenko
“David is a well-established psychologist and delivers a very professional service. As a skilled therapist David brings not only depth, warmth and wisdom to his practice, he also has a sense of humour and charm, that invites trust and ease to his clients. I highly recommend David to any individual or organization in need of quality service.”
Robert Henrich
“David is a well-established psychologist and delivers a very professional service. As a skilled therapist David brings not only depth, warmth and wisdom to his practice, he also has a sense of humour and charm, that invites trust and ease to his clients. I highly recommend David to any individual or organization in need of quality service.”
Rosina Jaber
Cum mă găsești
Str. Lainici 7, Bucharest, Romania, CP 012244
+40 751 202 538 /
7am - 8pm / Sat & Sun Closed